
Samstag, 7. Juni 2014

Couscous salad with veggies

How to make a delicious couscous salad ♥


1 cup couscous (Couscous)
2 cups water (Wasser)
1 tsp salt (Salz)
1 tsp butter (Butter)
1 zucchini (Zucchini)
Some cherry tomatoes (Kirschtomaten)
1 pepper (Paprika)
1 tbsp vinegar (Essig)
1 tbsp olive oil (Olivenöl)
1 tbsp black pepper (schwarzer Pfeffer)

Step 1: Pour 1 cup couscous in 2 cups of boiling water and let it swell for 10 minutes.
(1 Tasse Couscous in 2 Tassen kochendes Wasser geben und 10 Minuten quellen lassen.)

Step 2: Cut your veggies in cubes and slices and roast them in a pan with a little bit of water.
(Gemüse klein schneiden und in etwas Wasser knackig anbraten.)

3) Mix the couscous with the veggies and add the vinegar, oilive oil, pepper and the butter.
Stir again.
(Den Couscous mit dem Gemüse vermengen und den Essig, Olivenöl, Pfeffer und die Butter hinzufügen und erneut vermischen.

That's it! Guten Appetit! ♥ :)
Instagram: @carelessbehappier (

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