
Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014

Grandma's perfect wafers ♥

Sometimes I just need something sweet - even it is unhealthy!
So I thought it would be great to share Grandma's wafer recipe with you! It's super easy and you don't need a lot! Of course you can make them healthy - I'll create a healthy wafer recipe for you soon!

Ingredients for 15 wafers:

250 g flour (Mehl)
150 g sugar (Zucker)
4 eggs (Eier)
200 g butter (Butter)
1 tsp baking soda (Backpulver)

How to:

Step 1: Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them until you get a fluffy batter.
(Alle Zutaten in eine Schüssel geben und gut vermixen, bis ein fluffiger Teig entsteht.)

Step 2: Bake them in a wafer iron until they are stil soft but golden-brown.w

(Dann in einem Waffeleisen ausbacken, bis sie gold-braun aber dennoch weich sind.)

Step 3: Decorate them. I used white Nutella and some berries!
(Dann kann nach Belieben dekoriert werden. Ich hab dafür weißes Nutella und Beeren verwendet.)

HOW EASY IS THAT? :D Give them a try! ♥ :)

I hope you like the recipe, let me know how they turned out! :)


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