Super easy, delicious and healthy french toasts with berries and nuts ♥
2 slices of whole-grain toast (Vollkorntoast)
1 egg (Ei)
4 tbsp of milk (Milch)
2 tbsp of cinnamon (Zimt)
1 tbsp agave syrup or honey (Agavendicksaft oder Honig)
1/3 cup hacked almonds (gehackte Mandeln)
1 tbsp vanilla sugar (Vanillezucker)
1 tsp unsalted butter (ungesalzene Butter)
& some berries, nuts ... (Beeren und Nüsse)
Step 1: Take the slices of toast and cut them into triangle shapes. (Die Toastscheiben in Dreiecke schneiden.)
Step 2: Beat an egg and at the milk to it and pour the toast slices into the
egg-milk-mixture until it's completely coverd and wet. (Das Ei mit der Milch verquirlen und die Toasts darin wenden.)
Step 3: Sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon over them and if you like also vanilla
sugar and bake them in a pan with unsalted butter. (Die Toasts mit Zimt und Vanille-Zucker bestreuen.)
Step 4: Drizzle honey or agave syrup over them and add some berries or whatever
you like.
I used almonds, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, vanilla sugar, coconut
rasps and honey. (Honig oder Agavendicksaft darüber geben und mit Beeren und Nüssen servieren.)
Guten Appetit! :)
Instagram: @carelessbehappier
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